Fun games to play with weekly ads

Games to play with weekly ads with toddlers

Every week, my mail box is loaded with weekly ads from various shops. As I love deals, I like going through them. I feel bad to throw them after a single scan. Usually we use those paper for covering the work area while painting, doing recycle project and for playing simple and fun games! Today I am sharing the simple games I play with weekly ads with my toddler.

1. Cut along the dotted line : The weekly ads come with coupons with dotted line. As my toddler is showing interest towards cutting with scissors, I ask her to cut along the dotted lines. She is working on her scissor skill as well as fine motor skill.

2. Match the picture from one ad to another : We take ads of two shops. I point at some item like tomato in one ad. She has to identify tomato in the next shop’s ad. Since the pictures of the same item do not match at two shops exactly, she enjoys this activity.

3. Identify the vegetables : I will call out a vegetable name and she has to identify. It is a great way to learn vegetable’s name. As she is talking now, we are taking turns calling and identifying the vegetables.

4. Identify the numbers: I will ask her to identify the number in the ad. It can be any where in the paper. A simple but fun game to learn numbers.

5. Find out the items using clues : This game is like “I spy”. She has to identify the item using the clues I give. Now we are 2 clues stage where I say, “Get me the item which is red in color and there are 3 in the picture”. It is trickier than it looks.

6. Talk about the usage of the item :  I point at an item, tell its name and ask her to tell how the item is used in our house. Usually she explains like used for eating, laundry etc.

7. Where it is kept in the house: I point at an item and ask her where the item is kept in our house. Usual answer is fridge, pantry, storage etc.

8. Remember the item shown: I will show the item, tell its name and close the ad paper. She has to open the paper and identify the item I showed to her. As the ad paper is full of items, it is little bit tricky. But she enjoys playing this game a lot. Once she is comfortable, I will increase the number of items to remember.

9. Discuss how does it taste: We pick a vegetable and talk about how it tastes, whether she likes it. She opens up and talks about how tasty it was when she ate. Sometimes one thing will lead to another and we end up talking about something which is not related to the vegetable at all. But we both love this one on one time.

10. Tear the paper and make collage: She tears the paper and glue them to make a collage. It is a great activity to help her develop the small muscles in her fingers.

As I said, these are very simple games. But my toddler is learning a lot from these simple games.

You may be interested in our other toddler games like

1. Games to play with 3 year old without any thing 

2.  Eight matching activities for toddlers

3.  A simple game to develop sense of balance

4.  Math and fine motor skill game for toddlers

5.  Learn courtesy, counting and color with bands

Thanks for reading the post. Which game do you think will you be your kid’s favorite?

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7 thoughts on “Games to play with weekly ads with toddlers”

  1. Pingback: Today’s Hint: Save Those Weekly Ad Circulars for Playtime – Hint Mama

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