Recycled painting ideas for kids

Vegetable mesh bag painting

We tried painting with the vegetable mesh bag. It was a fun project. Even my toddler joined the fun.

Materials needed : 

1. Vegetable mesh bag

2. Tempera paint

3. Tape

4. Copier paper

I taped the mesh bag on a piece of paper at all the four corners. Gave the brush and  paint to the kids and encouraged them to paint on the mesh.

My toddler initially asked me to remove the mesh as she thought it was disturbing her painting. When she saw her sister painting with the mesh, she was OK.

We had to pat the brush over the mesh to get the mesh design on the paper. Initially my elder one drew lines over the mesh and the lines as such got to the paper. Then she realized and started patting with the brush. We could see the impression of the mesh then .

Patting made a huge difference. The lines on the above picture got better when she moved to patting.

My toddler got bored after some time and the picture above is her beautiful art

My elder one repeated again with different paper. She tried with different patting pressure and amount of paint in the brush . She had to share with me every single time if she found out something working.

When she completed painting, she wanted to print  with the paint that was on the mesh. She put a piece of paper on the mesh and gently pressed to get the paint on the paper.

The printing created a kind of cool texture on the paper.

My daughters enjoyed the process. It was totally a different experience for them to paint over the mesh.

Thanks for reading the post. You may be interested in our other painting activities.

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