Pi Day activity for kids

Introduction to Pi – A simple activity for Pi Day

 In order to celebrate the international Pi Day which is on 3/14, we did a fun and simple Pi activity.
My seven year old heard the term Pi for the first time. So I did not want to scare her with a lot of new terms. I just introduced Pi, diameter and circumference.
The activity is very simple. The idea of the activity is to prove that whatever may be the size of the circle, the circumference of the circle is Pi times D (Pi * Diameter)
 We drew 2 circles of different sizes.
We measured the circumference of  the small circle using the yarn.
Then measured the diameter of the same circle and cut the yarn according to the diameter. As expected, we got 3 pieces and a small piece of yarn for the decimal.
Before continuing the same process for the bigger circle,  I asked my daughter how many pieces of yarn would we get for the bigger circle by the same procedure. To my surprise, she answered correctly as 3 big same length pieces and a small piece.
We discussed a little bit about Pi, its importance, its decimal points and International Pi Day.
I am quite satisfied that this simple activity introduced a great concept of Pi to my daughter.
Did you do any activity for the Pi Day?
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