Flashback Friday – 3D palm art

Hi Everyone,
I have named a post on Friday as Flashback Friday as it is taken from my other regional language blog https://dheekshu.blogspot.com. This simple and fun post was written on May 20th 2013. The instructions and idea for this project was from a library program.
Material needed for 3D palm art
1. Plain white paper
2. Markers
3. Pencil
4. A palm (Of course!)
Step 1: Draw the palm along with a bit of wrist with the pencil on the white paper
Step 2: Start drawing straight line with the marker from the top corner of the paper till you reach your drawing.
Step 3: When you are inside the drawing, draw curves. Basic idea of the project is draw straight lines outside your drawing and curves inside your drawing.
Step 4: Continue doing this for the entire paper
3D palm art is done!
We did this project when my daughter was 6 year old. She enjoyed the activity so much that she wanted to do another 3D project. Hence I searched over the net and got the instructions for the 3D circle from here.
My daughter did not enjoy this project like she did for palm. May be this is suitable for bigger kids.
Have you created any 3D art?
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