Fine motor activities for toddlers

Exploring rubber bands

Hi Everyone,
Today I am sharing how much fun my toddler had with the multicolored hair rubber bands.
I inserted a colored dowel into an used wipes box which had little playdough to keep the dowel in place. I encouraged to push the bands through the dowels. She inserted few but moved on.
Color sorting bands was more fun for her.
I gave her a tong to pick up the bands.
But she found out that transferring the bands directly was more easy

How about use the band as Jewelry. Toe ring for her and finger ring(s) for me! We created new fashion.

We played withe big sister’s rubber band loom. Who said rubber band loom is for 6+?
Seeing all these my elder daughter could not resit the fun. She used the loom to make the bands fly.
Fun time! Surely rubber bands have become our favorite toy in our home now.
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2 thoughts on “Exploring rubber bands”

  1. It is always amazing how the simplest things can be so much fun for little kids!! I will have to remember this for when my youngest is a bit older :0)

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