Alphabets cards for toddlers

Alphabets art cards

My seven years created alphabets cards by sticking felt alphabet sticker in the index cards 3-4 months back. She still believes that her sister learnt to identify uppercase by her cards.

It was very difficult to store the cards as they were bulky because of felt letters. On a rainy day, when we were thinking what to do, we changed the alphabets cards to alphabets art cards.

We painted the cards with watercolor. It is so simple to hear. But my kids enjoyed like anything.

My toddler started with “R” and ended with “R”. It took 30 minutes for my first daughter to paint the remaining 25 letters. My toddler was sitting next to her for the entire 30 minutes and kept on painting R.

My daughter painted some letters very randomly but some with concepts. She told that “X” is radiating.

Once the cards were dried, we removed the felt stickers. My daughter was very eager to remove the stickers to see the letters which tore some of our letters.

R is done by my toddler with very little tearing at one of the sides.

The stickers had to be removed carefully as it was very sticky.

Over all it is a nice rainy day project. Now my toddler has cards which she can use to identify, matching with stickers or even to make words.

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