spring flowers painting

Pipe cleaner stamped flowers

Stamping is so simple that even toddlers or preschoolers can do. Did you get a chance to see how we created those beautiful flowers with cups? We created these flowers by stamping with pipe cleaners.
Printing flowers with kids
Materials needed:
1. Pipe cleaner
2. Tempera paint
3. Copier paper
1. Fold and cut a pipe cleaner into 8 equal size.
2. Hold them as a cluster in one hand matching their ends.
3. Roll and tie another pipe cleaner around it at one end.
Pipe cleaner activities for kids
4. Separate the pipe cleaners at the other end. It will look like a star.
5. Dip the pipe cleaner in the paint and stamp in the paper.
Flower painting ideas for kids
The flower prints were not clear if too much of paint was there in the pipe cleaners. We used a trash paper to print first few flowers until we got a clear flower print.
Using a brush, keep a yellow dot at the center of the flowers.
The pipe cleaner stamped flowers are ready for spring!
More inspiration for flower printing
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